Sunday, July 29, 2012

Being Just a Human is not Sufficient... Value for others is Important.....

Today even though India has gone way ahead in the world ranking for numerous things like Finance, Nuclear Power, Research, etc...
Its too topping the lists for Crime, Harrassment against Women
Statistics indicate the most number of Rapes in the capital ciy of India, Delhi.
Most number of a girl child killing in Indian rural areas.....
Eve-Teasing in Metro cities.....

You need to have a Heart to Love a Women......
You need to have Patience to Understand a Women.....
You need to have the right Attitude and Thoughts to Respect a Women.....

Before looking at a Girl/Women with Dirty Eyes, before Harassing a Girl, where do these thoughts vanish????

Such an incident, which forced me to write this was July 9th 2012, the molestation of a teenage girl in public at Guwahati.
Instead of the Media presence, instead of the crowd presence, how can a mob try to put their dirty hands on a teenage girl????
This shows the lower mentality of people, who look at girls with eyes filled of lust and look for opportunities to grab and rape the girl when she is miserable and alone.

These type of news really disturbs a lot.....Mostly to those who have a young sister/daughter/friend
Who can guarantee their Safety, when they are out for work/colleges?

Did somebody said rely on the Police???? They are the people who will make the Rape look legal and show the girl as the culprit.
They are the ones who will never fail to take undue advantage when they get such opportunities.
In UP Police Station, a woman was gangraped by the police

On the next day of Guwahati incident, a teenage girl was abused by a military person in a village near Assam, when she went to collect some wood from the forest.

On July 28th 2012, in Barasat, Bengal, a 18 year college girl was molested by a group of 2-3 people, when she was returning from her college with her friends.
And to the shame, Chiranjeet, who is a MLA of Trinamool Congress, who is also a Tollywood star, has described this as a normal forgivable crime.
Where is the so called Indian Culture, which has taught us to treat Women as a Goddess?
Where is the fear for Law?

At the Guwahati incident, the police reported at the location only after 30-45 minutes, where the mob was trying to have their lust get fulfilled and the media was looking for a scoop video to be shown on Air.
To the maximum, the culprits were daringly exposing their faces in the video shoot, like a moment of pride in their Lives.
What about the charges against them?  Even though all the culprits have surrendered to the police, they are not losing anything, as value of dignity is much more for a Gal/Woman, than the Males.
The bare truth is: We all have a Animal thought inside, who looks at a girl only with thoughts of Lust and Sex.
Till the time, one does not changes this attitude towards women,
Till the time, Indian constitution do not force a "Hang to Death" or a strict offence rule with no possibilities of Bail and a life-long custody, this is not going to stop and its not safe for women to work and live a free life.
Indian Court must set an example by this Guwahati Case by hanging those 12 molesters from Guwahati.
A fear is necessary in the minds of people, as every person takes it as a passable offence.

If the girl/woman has a narrow minded family as our typical Indian society, they make that lady's life more miserable by not leaving a moment to curse her.
Such unfortunate girls are not supported by the Indian Society. They need to pay a huge price after such incidents either by relocating or getting married off.
Compared to the pain and mental pressure on a Woman for the rest of her life, a Molester or the Culprit faces nothing.

The question here is: Are we Indians, really moving ahead in our lives? Are we really growing as a person, forget the growth of the country.
A country having people with narrow minds, low thoughts, who respect no women, who respect no
emotions, can never go ahead.
A person in a mob never thinks about values, traditions. He just wants to get advantage of the moment.
Even in our daily lives, we see this regularly on roads or in offices or in colleges, a girl wearing a one-piece or even a decent punjabi suit, eve-teasers are always on the prowl, to see the girl with their dirty eyes and
pass some comments or whisper some in their friend's ears.
These thoughts or this type of attitude gives birth to a big crime against women.
Till the time, we are not stopping these thoughts, its not going to stop anywhere, till the time your sister or daughter or a person close to you falls prey to such an incident.
Improvation must start from ourselves.
Things can change if you stop a person passing such comments against any girl, if you defend a girl from eve-teasing. You do not need to be a Super Man or Spider Man for it. Just need to be a Human, who can fight for a right cause....

Indian Society, which flaunts its Culture as the most strong in the world, is actually the most fake, weak and flexible. As every day its broken, changed and customized as per each needs.
Indian Law, Constitution, Police will do nothing for a common person, who faces such trauma. Instead of helping you, they will start blaming your upbringing, family roots and make your life worse.

We have live examples like:
[Raped in 2007, Justice in 2012]
A girl working in a BPO in Pune was raped by the cab driver and his friend during the night hours at a remote road in a vehicle in 2007. Both the culprits were sentenced for death in 2012. What was the Law thinking/probing for these 6 years? Why should be there such a long delay in justice? Such cases should be solved immediately on priority, the culprits should be hanged to death with no delay with the pictures of their dead-bodies published in newspapers, and the breaking news of television media.
Without, such aggressive handling of this ruthless crime, people are not going to take the Law seriously and such things will keep on continuing.
Refer News :

[Terrorism in India is non-punishable, as Indian Constitution gives shelter to Terrorists]
Kasab and his other terrorist groups did a massive killing in Mumbai on Nov 26, 2008 and is still in the custody till date Sep 2012, with the politicians thinking, should we hang him or not. This is a biggest joke, which shows the weakness and ambiguity in Indian Law and Constitution.
Refer News :

India can just think of being a Super-Power, but can never be a Super-Power till the time, they keep on bending ahead of other nations. When USA killed Saddam and Laden, did they asked permissions from anybody? Why should India ask permissions from USA and Pakistan? Excuse me, but are Indian Politicians ?
Indian Law can take in custody common people putting comments/posts against the government on social networking sites and internet, but can not take steps to show improvement in their operations.

Indian Law should show some aggression, should show that they have guts in their bones. Instead of fighting in the Parliament over useless and crap issues, Indian Law and constitution must be revised to decrease the crime and show to the world, that we are not weak and cannot be taken for granted.

So, instead of depending on the foolish Indian Culture and the weak Indian Law, waiting for a Justice, its time to change the Thinking and Be a Human rather than Being an Animal......
Else stop worshipping and praising the Culture........

Do not forget, Woman or a Gal is a pride for ones family.... Her Love and Affection is special.... Do not ruin it by doing things which hurts her dignity.....
I am not a Feminist, just a simple guy who understands Human Values rather than any Culture, Tradition or Law.

Being Just a Human is not Sufficient... Value for others is Important.....
Your's Truly Forever,

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